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- Dedicated Sick Leave Program
Dedicated Sick Leave Program
The Dedicated Sick Leave (DSL) Program enables active NYC Health + Hospitals staff members (group 11 & group 12) to voluntarily donate accrued sick leave, annual leave, and/or comp leave for use as paid sick and/or annual leave directly to a designated seriously ill or injured employee. The seriously ill or injured employee must be out on a leave of absence approved by HRSS Leave Administration. The seriously ill or injured employee must have exhausted all of their paid time and leave balances. Eligible recipients may receive up to 180 days (1,260 hours) of donated DSL in any rolling one-year period. All donations must be made confidentially to the extent possible.
Recipient Criteria & Responsibility
- Must have two (2) years of continuous NYC Health + Hospitals service.
- Serious injury or illness may not be job-related.
- Must be on an approved leave for at least thirty (30) continuous working days.
- Must exhaust all accrued sick leave, annual leave, and compensatory time balances.
- Must exhaust all sick leave advancements under Rule 3.4.
- May not receive donations from subordinates.
Recipients must complete (in its entirety) the application to receive annual leave/comp time and/or sick leave (Form HHC 2209) and submit via email to HRSS Leaves Administration at LeavesofAbsenceTeam@nychhc.org.
Dedicated Sick Leave may not be used as a supplement to income benefits under any System, City or union short-term or long-term disability program. If the employee has already received income benefits under any System, City or union short-term or long-term disability program, those benefits must be reimbursed.
Donor Criteria & Responsibility
- Must have at least two (2) years of continuous NYC Health + Hospitals service and a sick leave balance of at least 160 hours (including Group 11 vested sick leave) to donate sick leave.
- May donate annual leave/comp time.
- Must make donation of leave in full one-day increments as determined by the donor’s title and workday, minimum of 7 hours.
Donors must complete (in its entirety) the application to donate annual leave/comp time (Form HHC 2208) and submit via email to HRSS Leaves Administration at LeavesofAbsenceTeam@nychhc.org. If the recipient is aware of donor(s) that will be submitting a form to donate time to them, the recipient should make an effort to collect the donor form(s) and submit along with the recipient form in one email to HRSS Leaves Administration. This would allow for a quicker processing time.
Please note: Dedicated sick leave is irrevocable and will not be applied retroactively.
OP 20-65: Dedicated Sick Leave Program