Emergency Social Services - COVID-19
Patients of NYC Health + Hospitals may be encountering new challenges in meeting their daily needs. Restrictions on regular operations in NYC have led to changes in social service delivery. This page has updated information on available social services to support staff to meet their patients’ social, financial, and legal needs.
Contact the Social Determinants Team at socialdeterminants@nychhc.org with any questions.
Resources for Patients
Below is a list of resources for frontline NYC Health + Hospitals staff on a range of topics, including food, burial assistance, and financial assistance.
Legal Services:
- The COVID-19 crisis has generated many new legal questions for NYC Health + Hospitals patients. LegalHealth attorneys are providing telephonic legal services at this time and all services are completely free, confidential and voluntary. Please email socialdeterminants@nychhc.org for more information.
Free Financial Services for New Yorkers Currently Offered Through the Government:
- New York State is guaranteeing Paid Sick Leave and Paid Family Leave for individuals who must miss work because of COVID-19
- Patients experiencing job loss can apply for Unemployment Insurance (UI) through the NY Department of Labor (DOL).
- NYC Financial Empowerment Centers offer free financial counseling by phone in various languages and can help with questions, opening bank accounts, or contacting creditors. Visit nyc.gov/TalkMoney to book an appointment. They run NYC Free Tax Prep, which provides free assistance to file taxes online or by phone to ensure patients who are eligible access the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Internet Service Discount - The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
- As of January 2022, The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB). Qualified New York City residents may be eligible to receive a temporary discount for current or new monthly Internet service subscriptions. Funds will be allocated to qualifying households on a first-come, first-serve basis for as long as funds last. To learn more on how to sign up, visit the USAC website or call 877-384-2575. Factsheets are available in: Arabic Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Mental Health:
- Contact NYC Well for free confidential support available 24/7: Call 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355), text “WELL” to 65173, or chat through the website.
Burial Assistance:
- The NYC HRA Office of Burial Services is offering expanded funds to cover burial costs for low income New Yorkers who do not have resources to pay for their funeral. There is no longer an immigration restriction. Loved ones can access the application in various languages and submit it online, by mail, or in person within 120 days from the date of the decedent’s death.
- Beginning in April 2021, FEMA will provide financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020 for deaths related to COVID-19 to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. To determine eligibility for FEMA funeral assistance and gather needed documents, visit FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance.
Resources for Immigrant New Yorkers
- Many city services are available to all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status or ability to pay, although other eligibility requirements may apply. The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs has created a website with detailed information in many languages on resources available for immigrants in NYC.
Mutual Aid Societies for New Yorkers
- Mutual Aid NYC is a collection of mutual aid societies across the five boroughs. Created and run by community members in specific geographic areas, New Yorkers have come together to help one another. Patients can ask for assistance from mutual aid societies in a variety of areas. These may include, but are not limited to: help with grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, transportation assistance, friendly visits (virtual options), help with pets, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions
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Phone #: 646-614-3030 Learn More >
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Phone #: 646-815-4150 Learn More >
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